Friday 30 December 2011

A Carol to Sing About!

Since I was very young I loved going to see live theatre. The feeling of the soft shivering velvet seats and smell of old wood and stale smoke brings back so many memories; from seeing my first musical to participating in many a ballet display.

Over the years I have seen cringe worthy amateur musicals with traumatising fifty year olds in fishnets as well as breath taking west end musicals andShakespeare in the park, each just as worthwhile as it is the live performance that makes it!

Yesterday I went to see The Scottish National Theatre's production of A Christmas Carol directed by Graham McLaren. What is so great about the National Theatre is that they do not have a home resulting in each production taking place in a unique venue, perhaps a warehouse, grave yard or ship yard. This production took place in the Govan town hall (just outside Glasgow) This old Victorian town hall is now looking slightly unloved, however if you look closely many of the beautiful features are still visible such as the ornate arches’ and velvet wall paper.

The audience of just ninety were lead through a door in pairs where you had to find your own way down a corridor to a second door. I have to be honest here as a control freak I did not enjoy this walk into the unknown and was holding my breath waiting for something to jump out on me; this was an empty Victorian building and we were there to see A Christmas Carol after all. One we entered through the tiny wooden door we stepped into Scrooge's (Benny Young) shop which was full of some of the cast who greeted us in character before showing us to our seats(wooden steps on two sides of the square room) The venue was so intimate that it was easy to quickly feel as though you were really there in the shop throughout the play. The cast of seven along with many beautiful but never the less haunting puppets (designed by Gavin Glover) controlled by members of the cast presented a truthful and evoking performance of the Dickens classic and the two hours flew by.

The whole audience was buzzing with excitement and appreciation by the end of the show and typical of live theatre I was left with a feeling that I had experienced something quiet unique. I am a great fan of Dickens’s and A Christmas Carol will always be a favourite! Tickets are still on sale and I would highly recommend it.

Monday 26 December 2011

Christmas Cheer

It has been a lovely Christmas this year probably due to the fact that you appreciate home more when you have been away. As ever my mum out did herself with dinner and I avoided work but taking some pictures! One of my big loves in life has to be eating beautiful food, one of the reasons I love Christmas time. As I get older this time of year is about different things; it moves away from Santa and violin playing to good food, drink and friends. It is the only time when you can eat embarressing amounts without judgment and sit on the couch for an unhealthy number of days.

Sunday 18 December 2011

The German Market

There is nothing that gets you more in the Christmas mood than The German Market. Yesterday I went into Glasgow to soak up the atmosphere in the city which was crowded with a mixture of frustrated and triumphant shoppers tackling the queues and the icy pavements. I took the train into the city and the view across the Clyde was beautiful, reminding me why I love home! I love the weather we have been having at the moment; cold, dry and clear skies.

The Market was mainly food and present stalls making you feel slightly as though you are in the south of France bar the sunshine. My favourite stall was the cake stall with its huge maragues that looked more like art the desert!

After wandering through the market we came across a vintage sale in a basement just the main road. A mixture of Christmas knit wear, jewellery and vintage clothes were spread out around the room. It was a great chance to look for Christmas Presents though I was distracted by the beautiful stack of cupcakes.

Loved the rail of Christmas jumpers!

The street bar in the German Market was a perfect spot for some mulled wine and food with my sister and mum before continuing with our Christmas shopping.

Monday 12 December 2011

'Bearly' even started

Today was the last day of my first term at University. After our final exam we all celebrated making it through the first fifteen weeks that saw new surroundings, with new challenges and friends!

The girls and I headed into town to do a spot of Christmas shopping where I purchased some gifts for friends before we took refuge from the cold wind in a cosy corner of a coffee shop with hot chocolates and copies of Grazia and Cosmo.

Our cute hot chocolates added to the excitement of Christmas and of heading home tomorrow! Sitting in the cafe, the same one I sat in nervous and excited on my first day in Gala, I couldn't help reflecting on how far we have all come. I am so grateful that I have settled in as I knew that the Uni course would be amazing but did not know how I would like being so far away from home. Gala might not be the usual 'student life' but it is important to learn that sacrifices sometimes need to be made to achieve your goals, and if that means I live for four years with an unhealthy distance between me and the nearest vintage shop then so be it!

I have learned so much and we are only just getting started. Next term we will have an introduction to Fashion Communication (my course) and I am really looking forward it! Over the holiday I will blog about the festivities but also hope to do a few pieces on my adventures from 2011.

Monday 5 December 2011

A Love of Letters

I live in a world where a Blackberry is thought of as an essential organ and people are completely lost without their iphone (quite literally since they replaced the need for a map) Communication is instant and annoyingly constant, okay it may be vital but is still sadly impersonal.

Gone were the days when one would stand longingly at the window waiting for the post man to bring news from a far or sit hunched over a candle writing tales from their adventures and words of undying, distant loves. I have accepted that I will never experience this romantic 'Pride and Prejudice' styled life when Skype has already taken over from 'courting' but no amount of amazing apps will ever take away from my love of letters.

Since moving away I have been receiving letters from home and replying, regardless of the fact I text constantly, why I hear you ask...because nothing quiet beats opening your mail box and finding a thick envelope containing a hand written letter especially for you. Not a group mail or a fb post but I letter. Letters allow rambling of thoughts and a familiar tone, perhaps even an illustration... (Or is that just me?)

I will never go a day without technology but nor will I ever get bored of reading a letter...with love xx

With the first snow fall...

This morning the fashion students woke up to the first snow fall of the year! Here in Scotland the temperatures can get pretty low so layering is essential!

As with every situation we like to embrace it not as a challenge but as a wardrobe opportunity. So here are a few photos of what we wear when the path to class is an icy one.

Jeans by Topshop. Jacket Oxfam. Camel boots Tesco. Mittens
and head headband presents.
Jeans by Topshop. Cape charity shop. Ear-muffs TK
Max. Mittens John Lewis. Wellies Hunter.

Saturday 3 December 2011

University Project

Final photograph

So before I could really begin to think about the holiday season I had one last design project to complete. It was a Tony Cragg sculpture inspired women's skirt. These are the photographs I took of my friend and project partner Sarah wearing our final design. It was a knee length, knife pleat, navy skirt with orange buttons at the top of each pleat. We were really happy with it and it is due in next week along with our portfolio.
Now I know you will be wondering why a fashion comm. student is being let loose near a sewing machine...? Well the idea of our general first years is that all fashion students here at Heriot-Watt understand all areas of the industry and get to grips with the terminology such a knife pleat, yokes or darts. Though I have to be honest taking the photographs of the skirt was the most enjoying able part of the project so I will definitely not be changing my career choice anytime soon!

Sunday 27 November 2011

A Cup of Style

I always find it funny that the minute you begin to learn something new it seems to be everywhere you look. Over the last few weeks as part of my course we have been looking at styles of fashion illustrations; both commercial and stylised. While in Tesco buying tea I noticed Twining’s use of fashion illustrations, these looked familiar to me after I studied the work of Jerry Sequin

Here a loose water colour effect has been used to create a beautifully soft illustration. The contrast of colours used against the black is also very effective. Plus who doesn't want a gorgeous dress on their tea box...? I think it is a great piece of marketting especially as exotic teas are very 'fashionable' at the moment too.

I used these along with other inspiration and the works of Joe Eula, David Downton and Carl Erickson to complete my own stylised fashion illustration for the skirt project I have been working on.

Friday 25 November 2011

Jolly Jumpers

As my flat mates and I will not be together at Christmas we decided we would celebrate a month early. We had decorations, food and Christmas jumpers!!

The paper chains were made from old Look Magazines

The Chirstmas dinner table

We all wore our favourite winter warmers, a necessity for students here is Scotland. I am not sure whether it is the cold, or the need to cover the food baby that appears at this time of year that makes us crave our woollies but there is a style out there for us all, and they do not all have unflattering reindeer prints!!

Alix went for a thick cosy knit. I loved the camel
colours in the pattern.

Hayley wore a Christmas red, soft wool jumper. Complete with snow flake pattern

I went for a tight knit orange jumper. With Chirstmas bobbles!

Olivia shook up the tradition going for this beautifully thick
cream vintage Guinness jumper

Saz wears a thin knit jumper with colourful sparkly studs

Thursday 24 November 2011

'Queen' of Fashion

I was informed this morning by my Queen worshipping 15 year old brother that it has been 20 years since Freddie Mercury died.  I was not alive when Queen were at their biggest but it has not made me any less aware of the legend that was Freddie.

Unsurprisingly it was not so much the power ballads that interest me but the costumes and the showman. It is fair to say no one has matched or ever will match Freddie. I find it irritating when my generation fall at the feet of Lady Gaga and the likes worshiping their style, don’t get me wrong I love a bit of Gaga- she is also open about the influence of Freddie on her style- but many don’t know of the originals and the ones who did it all first.

Freddie was known for his fashion, the shows would have not been the same without the leotards, sequin and style. Many do not know but before Queen he ran a clothes stall in Kensington Market selling clothes and art so he understood fashion and its vitality to Queen’s productions. It was the designer Zandra Rhodes that made many of the costumes; she talks of fond memories of fittings with Queen. These costumes are part of a touring exhibition call ‘Storm troopers in Stilettoes’ one I hope to be able to visit in the future. There is a big difference between stage fashion and everyday fashion (something I find X Factor are yet to understand) and if you ever are not sure or need some inspiration look no further than Freddie Mercury.
Both from Google images

Wednesday 23 November 2011

A New Love

I always find it is easy to stay committed to my moisturising regime during the summer but it is when my holiday tan beings to fade and my legs get put away for winter that I begin to get lazy. The other week however I discovered a new product that quickly got me back on track- ‘Vaseline- essential moisture’. I have always been a firm follower of Vaseline as it has got me through many a dry moment and I was keen to test this product.

Now I believe there are three essentials to a good body moisturiser. Firstly it must smell uh’mazing though this may not necessarily have to be a strong smell as you will only get bored with it and let’s face it no one actually wants to live life smelling like a jar of Nutella. Therefore go for something light and fresh such as green tea or in this instance oak. Secondly it must not feel too greasy, there is nothing worse than sliding down the stairs after a pedicure (I learnt this the hard way). Finally it must do what it says on the tin, if your skin looks and feels healthy it is working. This is only one from the range and I plan to moisturise my way through them all by the time the heat returns!

A Helping Hand

If I had a regret in life it is that my Papa never lived long enough to see me come to Heriot-Watt, as I know he would have loved to see the work that I have been doing. My papa was a tailor for his whole life and from his workshop he made suits, dresses and kilts not to mention many a coat for my dolls while I was growing up.

Though I do not plan to become a designer during first year we do have the opportunity to learn pattern cutting, sewing and designing. The other day my Nana gave me two of my Papa'a old tools neither of which I understand how to use, but this was not what was important to me, I know my Papa would have been proud to pass them.

We are the people we are today because of the experience we have growing up, perhaps it was while standing watching my Papa attach buttons onto a purple knitted coat for my beloved baby doll Lizzie, when I was 6, that I first became aware of fashion. If he was still here today I would thank him, not just for the tools( that I am sure will come in useful if not just to fend off attackers) but for his time, as like all family they are the people who give us the memory's when we are still too young to make our own.

Man's Best Friend

Some say man's best friend is a dog but mine is a Moleskin journal. Due to my terrible short term memory I learnt young that I needed to write everything down and last year while in the visitors shop at the V&A I bought my first moleskin. When buying it I had no idea that these books had such support (they even have a tumbr) but it didn't take me long to understand and whole heartedly join the club.

All I wanted was a note pad to scribble down some thoughts as I walk round the exhibitions but from that day it has not left my handbag. Everything from phone numbers to web addresses and the name of new designers to 'must see' film titles get stored in the book. There is something so satisfying about it, maybe it’s the smooth black skin, the crisp parchment like paper or the fact all my random little thoughts are stored safely away because as we all know, moles never forget...

University Magazine Full pudsey spread.

Add caption

This is the full spread I along with three friends from Fashion Communication completed for the uni magazine. Throughout the night we interviewed and took photographs before bringing together the best photographs along with my article.

Friday 18 November 2011

Excitement over Mr Essex

Last night we all headed out to a local club to celebrate the success of our Fashion Show, and just to top it all off Joey Essex was also attending. Now I have to be honest I am more of a 'Made In Chelsea' girl however the atmosphere in the club was great and it is always fun to watch hysterical girls throw themselves at a disappointingly short reality TV star with a man bag! Most of the night was spent dancing and needless to say pattern cutting class at nine this morning was a struggle! I wore a Topshop dress which is one of my favourites due to the 'McQueen style' print and a black wool Zara cardigan. Olivia (in middle) wore a new Topshop dress, black bodycon with gold sequin oriental detail, perfect if you are still looking for a dress for the party season.

A Spot of Style for Children in Need!

Last night the First year 'Fashion Cluster' students had their first fashion show. We showcased the Scottish Heritage Shirts that we have made this term with all the money raised from the event going to this year’s BBC Children in Need. My friends and I got involved to cover the event for the Uni Magazine. Here is some pictures from last nights event.

The girls who were modelling were all students studying fashion at the university and there was a great buzz around the campus all day as the preparations kicked off in hair and makeup at three o’clock. The girls studying at the neighbouring college got stuck in transforming the girls into runway models fit for Pudsey himself!

The guests were treated to champagne and Pudsey cupcakes before the models strutted down the catwalk wearing the shirts that were made in Garment Creation Class. For many this was the first time they had ever seen one of their own creations on a catwalk.

Pudsey finished the show dancing down the catwalk wearing the winning shirt design, made especially for him in the Children in Need tartan which was also designed at the University some years ago. The total raised from the event is not yet known but a great evening was enjoyed by all for a extremely worthy charity!